don’t be fooled by the – wait, i don’t have any rocks.
I’ve decided that I need a second job. I make shit money and I’m kind of ridiculously materialistic. I like clothes and shoes and makeup and other products more than my checkbook has the capabilities to buy all that crap.
So I need another job.
I know, I already work a gazillion hours a week, but we’re coming up on the slow period of the year so maybe now would be a good time to do it.
But I need a swank, EASY job. An easy job that pays okay and pays more than once a month, dammit. And where I’ll only have to work a couple of days a week. And if they have free Diet Coke, that would be cool too, although I can certainly live without it.
Well, I can’t, but I could stand to buy my own Diet Cokes.
So. Anyway. NOT Target. That was where I went for my 2nd job for Christmas and I loathed almost every moment of that hell. So Target is out.
Okay. So I need a second job. And a fondue pot. But that’s another entry. Second job. Anyone have any ideas?