I like the HR (horizontal rule?)

So on Saturday I missed the wedding of two of my best friends. Why, you ask? Here’s why – because I thought it started at five (like all the other weddings I went to this summer), and while I was getting ready I had the bright idea to double-check the invitation to make sure I knew which church to go to, and suddenly I noticed the “please join us at 3:00 in the afternoon” and almost passed straight out. It was 3:40. I missed the wedding. I am an idiot.

I did go to the reception and explained what had happened and everything was fine, and I’m mostly over it now although I’m still kind of upset when I think about it. It was an honest mistake, but still – idiot. Please tell me that this isn’t the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard of a wedding guest doing.

Hmm, that last sentence feels grammatically awkward, but I’m leaving it the way it is.

List of stuff I’ve been listening to lately and sometimes mean to comment about but never remember (note: it’s not necessarily new stuff, just stuff I’m listening to):

  • Badly Drawn Boy, One Plus One is One – especially the title track
  • Beck, Sea Change
  • The Killers, Hot Fuss
  • Nada Surf’s song “Blonde on Blonde” from Let Go
  • Future Soundtrack for America, especially “Move On” by Mike Doughty, the Old 97s cover of “Northern Line,” and the OK Go cover of “This Will Be Our Year.”
  • “Maybe Tomorrow,” from the Stereophonics album You Gotta Go There to Come Back
  • “Vertigo,” U2’s new single from the upcoming How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb

A paragraph of weird odd unconnected things:
I’ve been craving chocolate milk lately. I’m enamored with all things pumpkin and have been looking for pumpkin things everywhere I go. I’m also craving new pajamas but I can’t find any I like and I’m quite picky about my jammies. I had a Canon Rebel GII on layaway and finally went and picked it up and have been taking lots of pictures that I can’t wait to share if they turn out well. The leaves are turning. I got a parking ticket that I intend to contest. Right now there are four peanut butter M&Ms (2 orange, 1 yellow, 1 red) on my desk that I don’t want. When I got that parking ticket I thought it was a ticket for my expired inspection sticker, but it wasn’t and I went and got my car inspected the next day and I passed. I should probably set up EFT for my bills since I sometimes forget to pay them on time, but for some reason EFT seems like too much of a commitment and I’m afraid to use it.

It’s nice and a little chilly today. I should go get some lunch.

13 Replies to “I like the HR (horizontal rule?)”

  1. I live on chocolate milk. I have a glass for breakfast every single day, and at least one more somewhere else in my day. Running out of chocolate syrup or milk in my house is a 911 emergency. Mmmm. Now I'm going to go to the gas station and get some chocolate milk with the change in the ashtray of my car.

  2. I've got Future Soundtrack playing right now. I'm falling for the Tom Waits tune and may propose by end of day.
    That is, of course, if the following line doesn't lure me away with fond memories: I've got Blonde on Blonde on my portable radio. It's a lullaby from a giant golden stereo. …man, I love that song. Especially on rainy days. (Killian's Red is great too)
    oh, and the wedding miss – you should be flogged.
    /I wanna do it.

  3. oh – and though I can't say to recall the orginal Zombies version of “This will be our year” but I can't listen to OkGo version without missing/wishing for the version off Pacific Drift.
    Here are two samples.
    1. –
    2. –
    If you set them both up and click the second one about 6 or 8 seconds into the first then you'll get more of the song – and eat time at work syncing them – which is its own benefit.

  4. some people post really long links in my comments and fuck up the window size. :)

    also, i downplayed it in the entry but i feel absolutely awful about the wedding thing and actually cried for a long time about it. i was really upset and embarrassed and horrified and other things too.

  5. The wedding thing — I've done that (thought it was at 7 p.m. but it was at 5:30 p.m.). BUT, best friends of yours and you weren't IN the ceremony?

    We've been listening to the Garden State soundtrack a lot. It's good stuff, but now I'm going to have to check out the Future Soundtrack.

  6. You can count on jen to help you turn that frown – into a scowl. -from misery to anger – to, wtf?! Why wasn't I in it?! The Garden State soundtrack is great though – and I'm still avail. for giving you a good flogging if you think that'll help you feel better.

  7. well, I've know them for a bazillion years, but the bridesmaids were relatives (2) and sorority sisters, which I guess is just like relatives according to some people. So, you know…

    whatever- I wouldn't have had time to deal with all that crap this year anyway. the dresses were nice though.

  8. dude. do you have an ikea near you? if not, let me know. i have to send you these awesome autumn/ halloween/ pumpkin spice smelling tea candles i got. you get like.. 50 for five bucks. you' ll love them. my roommate insists that they smell like church. just like my cigarettes. and my tea. i think she is just church fixated. they really just smell good.

  9. was it someone i know getting married?

    and i didn't know abuot this future soundtrack! neat!

    finally: sea change? you okay?

  10. 1. nope – friends from high school

    2. it kicks ass. order it immediately!

    3. ha. you might be the only one who noticed. not so much, but i will be eventually. i think sea change is the new disintegration.

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