Let’s Get Really Personal

In lieu of actual content, I’m going to do a meme of sorts that I found through Jess of paper graffiti, also known as the newest addition to my links over there on the right. Good reading.

Anyway, here goes:
Ask me 4 questions. Any 4, no matter how personal, dirty, private, or absurd. I have to answer them honestly.

I’m not sure if I’ll try to answer all that you ask, or if I’ll take the top four or something, but I will do this. Everything’s fair game, I think.

UPDATE: Here are answers to everything posted as of 10:30 Monday morning.

Mike asked:

  1. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
  2. What’s your middle name?
  3. Who’s your favorite porn star?
  4. What’s your Social Security number?

My answers:

  1. no problem
  2. Anne
  3. I’ve never actually seen him in a porn, but I think Ron Jeremy is bizarrely awesome. Don’t ask me to explain this, because I have no idea why, and no, I don’t find him attractive in any way.
  4. xxx-xx-xxxx. It starts and ends with the same number, by the way.

Amy asked:

  1. Do you plan to move out-of-state? Maybe not anytime soon, but in the future (maybe)?
  2. If so, where?
  3. Because I guess I’m asking travelling questions, what’s the most fun place you’ve ever been?
  4. If you could go anywhere tomorrow, where would it be? :D

My answers:

  1. YES. Definitely.
  2. Where – I don’t know. I think about Chicago a lot; I love that city and miss it terribly, and I have a lot of friends there (probably more than I do here, actually). But it’s far away, and change is scary, and if you guys haven’t noticed, I’m very close to my family, so it might be difficult to be so far away from them. At the same time, I know that this part of the world doesn’t have what I need. So.
  3. Most fun place I’ve ever been – San Antonio, for the 2000 Alamo Bowl. That trip was seriously awesome. Since I was in the band, it was free, and we had a few events that we either performed in or just got to attend that were really cool. Chicago had freezing-ass cold weather and two feet of snow when we left, and although it was only in the 50s in San Antonio, it was like paradise for us. If I had a bad moment there, I can’t remember it now.
  4. If I could go anywhere tomorrow, I’d go to a rented house on a quiet beach somewhere, and I’d sit on the porch and grill a steak and drink some beer and watch the ocean. That would rock.

Kristen asked really great, but personal questions, and because I’m a wimp and my younger sisters read this (as do parents and some coworkers, occasionally), I’m answering her in email. If you’re curious about the answers, email me and I’ll tell you too.

Rhodester (who wins the award for most absurd questions) asked:

  1. Are you from the Pleiades System?
  2. Are you SURE??
  3. What if I were to tell you that you ARE from the Pleiades System and for that matter, you and I came here together many years ago and I’ve been keeping tabs on you because it’s a grand experiment to see how our citizens would adapt to relocation and having their memories scrubbed. You’re the test subject and I’m the monitor taking notes.
  4. Do you like dogs?

My answers:

  1. Nope.
  2. Yep, I’m positive. I checked.
  3. Um…that would be weird. Was that actually a question?
  4. Yes! I think dogs are awesome. In fact, when I have a house of my own, I intend to get my very own-a the dog.

Will asked:

  1. What do you see yourself accomplishing with your life?
  2. How would your raise your children differently?
  3. When all is said and done, how would you want others to describe your life?
  4. What matters most in a man to you now? How is that different from 3 years ago?

My answers:

  1. I’m still trying to figure out what I want to accomplish. I want fulfillment, of some kind, but I haven’t determined yet what exactly will need to happen in order for me to have attained that. I’ll get back to you.
  2. Differently from how I was raised? I’m not sure. I haven’t even decided if I will or won’t eventually have children, incidentally, but if I were to have children, I think the way my parents raised me would be a good model to follow. Of course I’d make a few changes, but they’d probably be pretty small, in the grand scheme of things.
  3. If I’ve done everything right, my life will be described one day as a life lived generously, with more love and caring and passion than it could hold.
  4. Right now, what matters most to me in a man is that our goals are compatible, and our lives are heading in similar directions. I used to think that this could be overcome, and about five years ago I was willing to give up some things that were very important to me in order to make a relationship function smoothly. I’m no longer so willing. As I get a clearer idea of what I need in my life, I also have a clear idea of what I won’t do without. If I have to choose between a man and my values and goals, the man loses – no matter how wonderful he is otherwise. This was not always the case.

Alberto asked:

  1. Does it bother you that Will and Kristen asked 5 questions?
  2. How would you raise Will’s children differently?
  3. When is the last time you had real interesting conversation?
  4. What is my phone number?

My answers:

  1. Nope. It bothers me more that you think Kristen asked more than five questions, when really it was Amy. :)
  2. I’m not speaking about anyone’s specific children, but most of the time when I see people out with their kids, I wish they’d let them be kids a little more. It’s possible to teach your children to be polite and respectful while still being, essentially, exuberant, loud, crazy little kids.
  3. It’s been a while since I had a really interesting conversation.
  4. I don’t know your phone number anymore since you moved away!

And there you have it.

11 Replies to “Let’s Get Really Personal”

  1. 1. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
    2. What’s your middle name?
    3. Who’s your favorite porn star?
    4. What’s your Social Security number?

  2. Drats! He took my questions. jk

    1. Do you plan to move out-of-state? Maybe not anytime soon, but in the future (maybe)?
    2. If so, where?
    3. Because I guess I’m asking travelling questions, what’s the most fun place you’ve ever been?
    4. If you could go anywhere tomorrow, where would it be? :D

  3. Mine will be personal, because I’m nosy like that.
    1. When is the last time you had sex?
    2. Where’s the most interesting place you’ve had sex?
    3. Do you own any “toys”?
    4. What kind of underwear do you wear?

  4. 1. Are you from the Pleiades System?
    2. Are you SURE??
    3. What if I were to tell you that you ARE from the Pleiades System and for that matter, you and I came here together many years ago and I’ve been keeping tabs on you because it’s a grand experiment to see how our citizens would adapt to relocation and having their memories scrubbed. You’re the test subject and I’m the monitor taking notes.
    4. Do you like dogs?

  5. Thanks for the ideas! I just talked to my dr. about the incision this week. She said where it’s open is where the biggest screw is and the screwhead is likely irritating the soft tissue, thereby delaying healing. Unfortunately the only treatment for this is to have all the hardware removed.
    Also, I like the contract idea. Really, who wants that crappy music at their wedding???

  6. 1. What do you see yourself accomplishing with your life?
    2. How would your raise your children differently?
    3. When all is said and done, how would you want others to describe your life?
    4. What matters most in a man to you now? How is that different from 3 years ago?

  7. Does it bother you that Will and Kristen asked 5 questions?
    How would you raise Will’s children differently?
    When is the last time you had real interesting conversation?
    What is my phone number?

  8. Thanks for the award. It’ll fit nicely on the upper shelf in my little room on the mother ship.

    Are you ready to go yet? The experiment is over, which is why I was able to tell you about it, so we’re going back. Be packed and standing in the nearest cornfield at midnight tonight.

  9. From all of us at the bookstore:

    1. If you were trapped on a desert island with one CD what would it be?
    2. If your TV only played re-runs of one show, which show would you want it to be?
    3. What’s the better show “Hey Dude” or “Salute Your Shorts”?
    4. What the oldest expired food you’ve eaten? (farthest past its expriation)

  10. 1. If you could tell your pre-college self three things, what would they be?
    2. If you could be a boy for a day, but there was a 50% chance you could never change back, would you go for it?
    3. What is something that you’ve never told me, but always wanted to?
    4. (In honor of this being online) What’s the dirtiest thing you’ve ever done involving THE INTERNET?

    p.s. i realize that this might end up having to be emailed to me. s’okay. especially since the second one leaves ME open, iinstead of you. :-)

  11. Kristen =
    In comment #4, 4 questions.
    In question #5, “Really, who wants that crappy music at their wedding??? ”
    haha. :0

    Does Will have children? Didn’t realize – joking.

    My number’s buried in comments at std and on the main page of mine at MS.

    If you were trapped on a deserted island and only had one cd, would you wish for a cd-player and electrical outlet/batteries?

    What part of your body have you never shown me – that you’ve always wanted my to see? Answer with glossy 8X5 sent with personal note and plane ticket to VA to
    (Pizza Hut at Meridian & York, Los Angeles : Attn: Tall Man Wearing Cowboy Hat Entering Establishment at 12:09pm 5/13/2005)

    email still works, g’head and send me answers to all the questions answered privately – I will post them to my blog using the name “Amanda” instead of yours and linking the “Real Ultimate Fighting Power”website to protect your identity.
    Really, No one will even realize.

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