6 Cups Short

So my mom has her bag back from Delta. I asked her what, if anything, was left in it.

She said she got everything back except for three of her bras.

I’m all, but Mom, your bras aren’t even NICE!

She says they were brand-new, not the “old ratty stabby ones with the wires poking out.”

Still, my mom wears the most basic white cotton Playtex bras in the entire world. They aren’t, like, old-lady bras with the cone boobs or anything, but they’re seriously just absolutely plain unadorned white cotton underwire bras.

And three of them didn’t make it home.

Tangential memory which I might have shared in the past or maybe not: Shortly after Mom had Sammi, Ginny was caught riding up and down the street on her beloved Huffy Thunder Road bike with one of my mom’s ENORMOUS nursing bras attached to the back like a flag.

7 Replies to “6 Cups Short”

  1. I read “C cups Short” and thought I’d post that to comments where I caught Mike’s comment and believe, despite not having read a single line of the post yet, that I may not be all that off.

    …but, you understand, given Mike’s comment, I may not rush to read now. Sorry, I’m a prude.


  2. ~A, you might be the only reader of this or any website who consistently posts comments that include some variation on the phrase “…yeah, I haven’t actually read your post.”

    One of these days, I’ma stomp you.


    and i gotta say, yesterday i saw ~A had commented like that and just sorta stared at my screen going, “what?”

  4. ;o) Of course, I only say that because, at the time of the post of the comment, I haven’t yet read the post …but I do eventually read the post. …and then I comment again.

    I’ve got to say though – that I made anyone stop and burn time from the life contemplating my gumption; that brings no end of satisfaction and grin from ear to ear. I love you, too, Loriestories.

  5. I’m having a hard time picturing grown baggage handlers cavorting around in the bowels of the airport wearing you mother’s bras.

    And then again, if she went through NY or SF…

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