I Wasn’t Sleeping Anyway

So, hi! Did I mention that I have major insomnia?

It seems only fitting that I changed the site over to a very cool template called Unsleepable. That blue on the last layout was seriously burning my eyeballs, and so I was starting to think about making a new header. But then I’ve been fiddling around with some very cool plugins lately and was having trouble making them work with Blix, which has been the base for my template for the last year or so. I started digging around and found this one. In addition to looking really slick, it has support for a bunch of really kickass extra stuff. Check out the live search bar, the “related entries” lists on single entries, the option to subscribe to get email when new comments are added, and the tag cloud in the archives – just to name a few new things. It’s very much a work in progress right now, so feel free to drop a comment if you notice something not working, but also know that I’m already aware of a few things that need some tweaking.

It should all come together eventually.

Posted in FYI

7 Replies to “I Wasn’t Sleeping Anyway”

  1. Ten posts for found when I searched for “wort”; but it seems the searcher was allowing any word containing those letters so, really, it was “wort”hless.

    Still, fun though. My bouts of insomnia only drive me to drink; kudos on your productivity.

  2. Um, did I miss something? Who is this gorgeous guy Max??? Oh, and I love the new layout!

  3. Max is not mine! He is the new displacement child of a couple I’m friends with. He is making me want a dog, though…

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