pants update

I chickened out on any kind of fix-it plan for the pants. In fact, I called my mother and begged her to come over on Saturday and help me fix the pants. She laughed in my face (figuratively), as I totally expected she would. I wore an older pair of pants and managed to have a great time anyway. I still do not possess an iron or any useful domestic skills.

5 Replies to “pants update”

  1. would you hate me if i sent you my iron?

    i don’t want to throw it out when i move this weekend, but i never use it either.

  2. Did mom laugh in your face the way you did when I called and asked you to drive me to Maryland? Cause if she did…


    muuuuhahahahahahahaha….. (that’s an evil laugh… btw)

  3. I laughed because me driving an hour to sew anything is very amusing. I did not get the sewing or the baking gene and I do not have the “memories” from ancestors past to perform these functions either. You do not sew, because I do not sew, because my mother could not sew, ……..history does repeat itself. I think Ginny had the perfect solution, YOU drive the hour and we let Nanie do the alterations. Santa has the perfect gift, an IRON with your name on it.

  4. Fabric tape! Yes, it does exist for losers like us who know absolutely nothing about needle and thread. I’ll admit that I can’t even sew on a button. But fabric tape works. Stay away from the glue stuff, though.

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